Note: I shared this post on a popular blog site recently and to my surprise, was immediately accused of "attacking atheists." That certainly was not my intent. If anything, I was "attacking fundies" and reassuring the atheists that despite what they may have heard, liberal/progressive Christians are on their side in terms of public policy! The main point of this post is that dogmatism and uncritical thinking of any variety is dangerous. I apologize that the point did not get across.
In the wake of recent events, particularly the Supreme Court ruling that corporations owned by fundamentalist Christians can obtain a religious exemption from insurance coverage of birth control, there has been an understandable backlash against religion. My atheist friends have been commenting, even more so than usual, that religion is the source of all human misery and must be stamped out if we are ever going to have a truly civilized, enlightened, rational society. They perceive religion as rejecting science, oppressing women, gays and other minorities, and seeking to impose as law an archaic “morality” from a mythological book written thousands of years ago. This perception is, again, very understandable in light of recent events involving not only Christian fundamentalists here in the U.S., but also Islamic and Hindu fundamentalists in other parts of the world. But, what the atheists don’t seem to understand is that the fundies do not represent all religious people and in fact, we liberal and/or progressive persons of faith stand solidly on the side of secular humanism when it comes to public policy!
In the wake of recent events, particularly the Supreme Court ruling that corporations owned by fundamentalist Christians can obtain a religious exemption from insurance coverage of birth control, there has been an understandable backlash against religion. My atheist friends have been commenting, even more so than usual, that religion is the source of all human misery and must be stamped out if we are ever going to have a truly civilized, enlightened, rational society. They perceive religion as rejecting science, oppressing women, gays and other minorities, and seeking to impose as law an archaic “morality” from a mythological book written thousands of years ago. This perception is, again, very understandable in light of recent events involving not only Christian fundamentalists here in the U.S., but also Islamic and Hindu fundamentalists in other parts of the world. But, what the atheists don’t seem to understand is that the fundies do not represent all religious people and in fact, we liberal and/or progressive persons of faith stand solidly on the side of secular humanism when it comes to public policy!
As discussed in my previous blog post, Another Look at Religion, we do believe in science! And
we know the difference between science and mythology. We understand that religion and science are
two totally separate fields of human experience which serve completely different
purposes. We do not follow “biblical
morality,” nor do we want to base our laws or public policies on scripture. We believe in equal rights and social justice
for everyone. Therefore, my atheist
friends, we completely sympathize with you and we do not deserve the accusations which are properly aimed at the
If anything, the fundies annoy us more than they do you, because they
make religion look bad and in addition, they have somehow managed to convince
you that they speak for the rest of us, which they do not.
With regard to the assertion that religion is the source of all
ignorance and misery, I would argue that it is not religion per se, but rather, uncritical acceptance and imposition of any dogma, which is
the source of humanity’s woes. An
example from history would be the completely barbaric “communist revolutions”
in places like Cambodia and China which inflicted considerable suffering on
their populations although they had abolished religion. In modern times we need look no further than
our American atheist conservatives like S.E. Cupp who, despite their rejection
of a belief in God, persist in almost religiously pushing the conservative
political agenda as if it were gospel truth.
And while atheist conservatives are relatively rare, they are certainly
nowhere near as scarce as unicorns; according to a recent Pew Forum survey, 19
percent of conservatives are unaffiliated with any particular religion, and 14
percent of atheists identify as conservative.
So it is possible to be an atheist while at the same time
being a dogmatist, and converts to atheism do sometimes (not always! and by no means all or even most atheists!) transfer their former
religious zeal onto a new object of worship, usually science. Perhaps the human psyche needs to believe
in something, and when religion is thrown out, we look for some other focus of devotion to fill that void. It could be argued that science is a more
appropriate object of worship than a mythical Mean Old Man, Santa Claus or Wish-Granting
Genie in the sky. However, as we have discussed
previously, religion is not science, nor is science is religion, and therefore worship
or uncritical acceptance is not an appropriate response. Unlike [fundie] religion which insists on blind
faith in ancient and unchanging dogma, science encourages that we remain
open-minded and educate ourselves as new data arises, rather than clinging to
current scientific theories as if they were eternal truths.
It can be difficult to keep up with the changing data, in
that science has many different specialties and we cannot be experts in every
field. I adore quantum
physics, but because I took “Advanced Physics for Liberal Arts Majors” I don’t
have sufficient education to really understand it in any depth. The best I can do is to read popularized
books on the subject such as Taking the Quantum Leap by Fred Alan Wolf or Wholeness
and the Implicate Order by David Bohm, or articles in Scientific American. I would imagine that if you’re
going to have blind faith in anything, math might be a better object, because as
far as I know, they don’t change the rules and there isn’t much controversy
there, although I could be wrong because I only got through integrals in
calculus and maybe at the higher levels of math there are disputes or changing
theories that I don’t know about.
What I can tell you, though, is that I see a fair amount of blind faith on the part of atheists in a field with which I am very familiar,
namely medicine. Those of us who love
science are naturally enthusiastic about “evidence-based medicine,” although
more often than not, it isn’t. Rather,
at least here with our for-profit medical system, it’s often marketing-based as
opposed to evidence-based. Unfortunately
the layperson has very little opportunity to become educated enough to be able
to tell the difference. This is in part
due to the information available to the public being limited, on purpose. Most of the articles on breaking new data are
published in association journals such as JAMA and BMJ which require membership
in order to read them, and the information eventually trickles down
through the popular media in a watered-down form and usually for purposes of
marketing. E.g., The Wall Street
Journal, which depends on advertising from the pharmaceutical industry, likes
to publish “research” that conveniently coincides with the impending release of
a new drug by one of its corporate sponsors, and avoids publishing research supporting alternatives/ competitors, or that raises questions about the safety or efficacy of its sponsors’ products.
Medicine makes an attractive new object of religious zeal,
in part because it is already set up that way.
The doctors are the High Priests who hold power over life and death, and
guard their secret knowledge from the laypeople. In addition, medicine offers rituals like
mammography and sacraments such as vaccination whereby people can receive from
the Priests the blessings of life and health, and ward off the evil spirits of
sickness and death. Believing these procedures
and medications to be evidence-based, scientifically-minded people enthusiastically
participate in and proselytize these sacraments and harshly criticize anyone
who does not share their faith. Fancying themselves modern-day Grand Inquisitors, some even make it their personal mission to promote medical dogma as unassailable Truth, condemning anyone who dares question any aspect of it as a heretic. Meanwhile, those of us who actually work in the field know that
medicine is constantly evolving and we retain a healthy skepticism, not because we “oppose science,” but rather because of our
familiarity with medical science and our awareness of new developments and controversies that we learn about in the course of our occupation.
Recently some of my friends jumped on the bandwagon
promoting the pertussis vaccination for everyone, on the mistaken belief that
the outbreaks which have been happening were the result of a decline in
vaccination rates. Even people in their 50s went out and got the
sacramental shot, confident that in fulfilling this religious duty they were protecting
the people around them such as infants or the immunocompromised by helping to increase
“herd immunity.” Unfortunately, their
faith was unfounded, as I learned recently during my ongoing study of the latest medical literature which has not yet filtered down into the popular media. It turns out, vaccination rates were surprisingly high among the populations infected, and the reason for the
rise in pertussis cases was that the vaccine was found to wear off more quickly, and be less effective, than was originally hoped.
In addition, and very alarming from a “herd immunity” standpoint, fully
vaccinated persons can be asymptomatic carriers of pertussis and unknowingly
transmit it to the very people whom they were trying to protect! While the shot will probably protect you for a few years from getting symptomatic disease, it unfortunately will not prevent you from carrying the disease if you are exposed, and inadvertently passing it along to others.
When I discovered this information, I did share it on Facebook, but I did
not engage in any discussions about it with laypeople. Doing so would have certainly provoked pointless arguments with medical devotees who passionately believe in one of
the central doctrines of mainstream medicine, namely, “Vaccines are safe and
effective in preventing disease.” To
question that dogma at all, even in a specific case such as pertussis (1) is heresy! Indeed, when I shared the new information about the pertussis dilemma, I was immediately accused of being an "anti-vaxer." The fact that simply discussing the well-documented ineffectiveness of one particular vaccine qualifies as "promoting the anti-vax agenda" suggests that medical dogmatism among laypeople is alive and well. A scientific approach entails being open to new information and examining the data, not immediately rejecting it because it contradicts our existing beliefs. Meanwhile, the infidels would argue that the pertussis outbreak proves all vaccines
are bad and ineffective, which of course it does not. There are many different kinds of vaccines and the situation is a lot more complex than most people realize. The discussion is very technical and beyond the scope of this blog, which in any case is not about vaccines, but dogmatism. I am merely using the pertussis problem as one example of how blind faith in our beliefs about medical science can have undesired consequences.
Those whose skepticism has caused them to leave religion
behind should be mindful to ensure that they are not simply replacing one dogma
with another, including the dogma that all religious people are ignorant science-deniers. It is very possible to participate in liberal/progressive religion and enjoy the rituals and pageantry while also being scientific and
open-minded. Reasonable people who understand the
difference between science and mythology can work together to create a better
society. My atheist friends, we are right here now, standing with you against fundamentalism.
It is not religion as such that is the source of our ills, but rather,
dogmatism of any variety.
(1) or the oral polio vaccine (which we now know can cause polio and therefore is no longer used in the United States), or the flu vaccine (the effectiveness of which is probably 60% at best).
(1) or the oral polio vaccine (which we now know can cause polio and therefore is no longer used in the United States), or the flu vaccine (the effectiveness of which is probably 60% at best).
Great post, thanks.