I feel like I’m losing my mind. Is this America in 2014? Or, did I somehow end up in a parallel
universe, like on the t.v. show “Sliders”? I’m kind of sick and spinning. But I have not eaten a mushroom or
anything. In fact I’m quite sober but
still feel strangely disoriented.
When I blogged about the Hobby Lobby “religious objection to
insurance coverage of contraception” issue back in January I carefully delineated
the reasons that it made no sense, both from the standpoint of “religious
principles” as well as scientific fact regarding birth control. I also pointed out, as have many others, the
implications for the ability of employers to deny all kinds of medical care
based on the “religious” premise. I thought
the case was clearly absurd and I was sure the Supreme Court would agree.
Apparently I was mistaken. Today I have learned that not only has the
Court decided in Hobby Lobby’s favor, but also, it has sent several other similar cases which were previously decided in the employees’ favor, back to the lower
courts for reexamination! And the cases
which the lower courts had previously decided in the employers’ favor were
allowed to stand as is.
Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, given the SCOTUS decision in
2012 upholding the Citizens United ruling that corporations are persons whose
First Amendment right to free speech includes unlimited financial influence
over the political process, when it overturned the state of Montana’s restriction
on corporate political donations. And now these corporate persons have religious beliefs as well.
“Corporate personhood” notwithstanding, though, what I find
really shocking about the Hobby Lobby decision is that the Court has
established a law giving certain “religious beliefs” precedence over scientific
fact. I had said in my previous blog
post, “While everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs, no matter how
peculiar, can the same be said about scientific fact?” I was very sure that once the Court looked at
the facts, Hobby Lobby would have no case.
I was wrong.
As I have discussed previously, Hobby Lobby argued that
providing insurance coverage for “abortifacients” such as Plan B, Elle and the
IUD violated its deeply held religious belief that human life begins at
Never mind that there is no basis in scripture or tradition
for that belief which only became popular among evangelicals in the 1980s. Like many “religious beliefs” the fundamentalist
idea of a fertilized ovum as a “person” is complete fabrication and
inconsistent with the larger Judeo-Christian tradition. But, that is ok, because it is not the role
of the Court to determine the legitimacy of such fictional beliefs or even their internal consistency.
Never mind that the fundamentalists have had to invent a
whole new definition of “pregnancy” as beginning at fertilization, in order to
claim that preventing implantation of a fertilized ovum is the same as an “abortion.” This is in contrast to the established medical definition of pregnancy as occurring at implantation and “abortion” as the loss
of an embryo after implantation in the womb.
What should have made the above “beliefs” a moot point is
that the birth control methods in question do not, in fact, prevent implantation
of a fertilized ovum! While the FDA
labeling for some unknown reason states that it “may” prevent implantation,
there is absolutely no scientific evidence to substantiate this. None whatsoever. Therefore, the Court should have concluded,
based on the evidence, that Hobby Lobby’s concerns are unfounded.
Instead, amazingly, the SCOTUS ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby’s
“deeply held religious belief” that such methods are “abortifacient” when in
fact they are not. So, it doesn’t matter
if something is factually true or not; as long as a corporate “person” believes
it to be true, that’s all you need for a “religious” exemption to the law.
In addition, the Court specifically stated that this ruling
applies only to the evangelical Christian corporations’ religious objection to
contraception. Exception to the
insurance law does not apply to the beliefs of corporations run by Jehovah’s
Witnesses who object to blood transfusions, or Jewish or Muslim corporations
objecting to drugs or tissue grafts made from pork, Seventh Day Adventists, Hindus
or Jains rejecting any medicines derived from animal products, or Christian
Scientists who refuse any medical intervention whatsoever. Therefore the Court decision is clearly in
violation of the First Amendment which forbids establishment of religion, in
this case, fundamentalist Christianity, as the law of the land.
As if all of the above were not confusing enough, the FDA
labeling of regular oral contraceptives includes the same unsubstantiated statement,
“may prevent implantation.” This is an
important point for many fundamentalists who oppose all contraception, but interestingly
Hobby Lobby did not object to covering those medications! And the Court completely failed to question
the inconsistency, while today deciding in favor of other fundie corporate “persons”
on this very same issue, ruling that they do not have to cover any contraceptives on their insurance plan.
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